Part of the WNC area has a new transportation system ….Meet Micro Metro.
This is a “last mile” transportation service that can be scheduled through an app or by phone.
The shuttle fits up to 8 people and will operate 9am-9pm daily in the designated area..
Cost is $1 Pay by credit card or Tap card.
See the following links to understand more about the program.
Webpage: https://micro.metro.net/
Service Zones: https://micro.metro.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/22-1257_Metro_Micro_Service_Zones_jp-final.pdf
UCLA / Westwood / VA Medical (Static Map): https://micro.metro.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/22-0297_Metro_Micro_UCLA_Westwood_VAMedicalCenter_Service_Zone_Map_jp-final-rev-1.pdf
UCLA / Westwood / VA Medical (Interactive Map): https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1B8obej719nDdFmh_V4FLkHMGglVoI597&hl=en&ll=34.05178472634744%2C-118.43370281508093&z=14